Minneapolis Mafia
What the heck is the Minneapolis Mafia?

Around 1960 the media coined the phrase the Memphis Mafia for the close-knit group of friends, associates, acquaintances, and employees of one Elvis Aaron Presley, "The King." Don't get us wrong, the Banjo Brothers don't swing nearly the big stick Elvis did and by no means are we notorious enough for our own posse, but living in one of the epicenters, if not the epicenter of bike culture in the U-S-of-A, there is a group of friends, associates, and ne'er-do-well acquaintances which make this a special place. You ought to get to know 'em.
We hereby dub them the Minneapolis Mafia.
** Disclaimer: Nobody on this list agreed to be called the 'Minneapolis Mafia'. It's a totally fabricated creation and is intended to be handy guide for those looking for a thumbnail sketch of Minneapolis cycling culture as viewed through the eyes of the Banjo Brothers. We also don't mean to leave our St. Paul Brothers and Sisters off the list, it's just that the alliteration doesn't sound quite as good. Wanna make the list? Drop us a note, give us a call, or buy us a beer and tell us why.
Are You FAQUING Kidding me?
Frequently Asked Questions
What size rack tubing will your pannier hooks accomodate?
The newly designed pannier hooks will fit rack rubing up to 16MM. For bikes with larger tubing, there may be creative workarounds and we encourage all riders to make friends with their local bike shop mechanic.
My Pannier bungie retention has come un-tied what do I do?
First, don't cry. If you can tie a simple overhand knot, it's easy to get your pannier back in working order.
Does Your Saddlebag Pannier Work With e-bike racks?
The Banjo Brothers 01090 saddlebag pannier will fit a wide e-bike rack up to 6.5". The fit will be snug, but the bag owner can trim 1/4" off the internal p.e. board stiffener to create an extra 1/2" slack. File this under - "the more you know."